Fridley . Uptown

Frequently Asked Questions

How often would I be seen for therapy?

Ultimately, It's up to you! Most people choose to be seen once a week - this insures enough frequency and consistency so that people affect maximum change.

Can I choose between a male or female therapist?

Yes! The match between you and your therapist is vital to the success of your therapy!

How many sessions will I require before I am done?

Every person is unique, the issues you would like to work on and the pace that you choose to work on them will influence how long your therapy journey will take.

What questions should I ask my therapist to help me decide if this is the right therapist for me?

  • What are your credentials?
  • How many years of experience do you have?
  • Do you regularly work with people who's concerns are similar to mine?
  • How would you describe your style and approach?
  • Will my Insurance cover my therapy?

    As part of our intake process we will contact your insurance company for you, and find out for you what your insurance benefits are for therapy.

    What if I don't have or don't want to use insurance?

    We do have a sliding fee at our clinic for those without insurance or do not wish to use insurance.

    How soon can I start?

    Unlike many clinics who require new clients to wait 3-4 weeks, we generally are able to ensure that you are able to begin therapy within 48 hours.

    Will anyone know that I am in therapy?

    Client confidentiality is one of primary concern. Your therapist will not share your information with anyone without your consent.

    Will my employer know if I am in Counseling?

    Generally no! Sometimes employers request that employees attend therapy for a variety of reasons.

    What if I need to cancel an appointment?

    We maintain a 24 hour notice for session cancellation. It is our policy to bill all sessions that the client fails to show for when 24 hour notice has not been given.